Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Quelle TVA s'applique sur les eBooks ?

En réponse à une question sur la TVA des eBooks que j'ai reçue récemment, voici ma compréhension de la question.

En Belgique, comme vendeur, la TVA (21%) s'applique également sur les eBooks.

Comme acheteur, la question est de savoir on est dans quel pays on achète.


J'ai acheté un ebook en France et j'ai payé 19,6% de TVA.

Sur un ebook Américain, sur Amazon je n'ai payé apparement aucune taxe.

Sur l'App Store, une TVA de 21% s'applique. Cfr

La TVA pourrait donc influencer l'achat de ceux qui recherchent les meilleurs prix. Les eBookStores Européens sont un peu défavorisés d’où les discussions sur l'harmonisation et la baisse de la TVA européenne sur les eBooks.

Je n'ai pas (encore) trouvé l'information officielle (via Google).

A suivre...

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Utiliser Internet pour Vendre à l'étranger - App & ePaper

I helped Jean-Yves Huwart to convert his paper book into an ebook and it's now on sale on

Read more here :

Utiliser Internet pour Vendre à l'étranger - App & ePaper

With ebooks, readers need a way to discover books – right now book stores are... | LinkedIn

With ebooks, readers need a way to discover books – right now book stores are... | LinkedIn: "Eric Grimm : Discovery is best done in stores. One of the reasons the music industry is struggling with bankruptcy and struggling with launching new talent is because specialty music stores weren't protected. Although digital sales increased 940% in the past four years, total sales declined 35% because the number of store outlets shrunk (International Federation of the Phonographic Industry 2010 report on the global music industry). It's 'both/and' not 'either/or' that makes the business model work."

Monday, March 28, 2011

Two University Press Ebook Initiatives Merge

I wish I could have a look at the architecture of this project. It would probably help me improve the Flemish eBook Platform architecture...

Two University Press Ebook Initiatives Merge: "Project MUSE Editions (PME) and the University Press ebook Consortium (UPeC) have formed a new partnership called the University Press Content Consortium (UPCC), which will launch January 1, 2012.

The new nonprofit venture will offer an integrated environment where users will be able to discover and search ebook content from a projected 60-70 university presses and nonprofit scholarly presses (the Association of American University Presses has 125 members). The collection will offer as many as 30,000 frontlist and backlist titles alongside nearly 500 journals from Project MUSE."

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Shop with your iPhone and soon iPad, Android, Windows...

myShopi, the shopping list for iPhone, is available for free.

Already in the TOP 10 of most downloaded apps and n° 1 in productivity after 48h in Belgium, and it still is.

Download the app on and visit for more info !

Coming soon on Android and Windows Phone.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Une meilleure expérience de découverte

Voici un problème que les développeurs Android on détecté : le classement des applications n'est pas "juste".

Les développeurs Android s’unissent contre la politique de Google sur le Market « FrAndroid Communauté Android: "- Avoir un classement plus juste des applications

La navigation sur l’Android Market se fait soit grâce aux nouvelles applications, soit aux classements (top gratuit, payant…). La liste des applications récentes est constamment mise à jour, vu que la plateforme est populaire. Par conséquent, lors d’un nouvel ajout, l’application est seulement visible quelques minutes. Pour les tops, seuls les gros succès sont référencés et plus particulièrement ceux présents depuis la création de la plateforme. Il n’y a quasiment aucun espace pour les nouveautés.
L’union souhaite que Google implémente une autre manière pour naviguer dans les applications populaires, avec différentes fenêtres de temps et pour différentes régions (pays).

Il en est de même pour les eBooks. Quels eBooks doivent se retrouver en première page d'un eBookstore ? Comment donner une chance égale à tous les eBooks qui se valent ? C'est l'un des buts du composant appellé "Grasduinen" dans l'Architecture du VeP.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Apple versus het uitgeefbedrijf: een slechte deal! | Boekenvak

Apple versus het uitgeefbedrijf: een slechte deal! | Boekenvak: " schaart zich achter dit standpunt en vraagt aan zijn leden uitgevers om alle onderhandelingen met Apple te heronderhandelen en niet in de iBookstore te stappen, tenzij Apple afziet van de 30% regeling.

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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

How to attract readers into slow reading ?

Today I had to read several documents for about an hour, so I took the opportrunity to use my ePaper eReader (iRex DR1000S). Since the iPad it has been a while I hadn't used it.

I was than thinking, why do I prefer my iRex when I know I'm going to work longer ?

First I can make annotations because it has a pen.

Second, it displays nicely A4 documents with nearly no distortion.

But in fact it's because I associate ePaper with "slow reading".   An iPad is very cool for "fast reading", you jump from page to page, back and forth, up and down. But when concentration is required those features become less relevant. You just need a "next page" button.

So there is a need for a lighter, different device when concentration is important. The question is : how often do you take the time to completely read a document ? When do you read for more than 30 minutes in the same document ?

"Slow reading" also asks the question of selecting a book. How are you goind to choose the ebook in the 1000s of eBooks out there. How are you going to find out that it's what you need ? With your tablet ? With your PC ? But than you are already reading. Are you going to switch device ? When ? How ?

The technology at our disposal doesn't solve that problem (yet). You'd need a Tablet to select what to read and and Paper to "slow read" it.

Only the entourage edge was going in this direction but I have read it has been stopped recently.

The eBook User’s Bill of Rights

La déclaration des droits de l’utilisateur de livre numérique (ebook) « Bibliomancienne: "The eBook User’s Bill of Rights is a statement of the basic freedoms that should be granted to all eBook users.

The eBook User’s Bill of Rights

Every eBook user should have the following rights:

* the right to use eBooks under guidelines that favor access over proprietary limitations
* the right to access eBooks on any technological platform, including the hardware and software the user chooses
* the right to annotate, quote passages, print, and share eBook content within the spirit of fair use and copyright
* the right of the first-sale doctrine extended to digital content, allowing the eBook owner the right to retain, archive, share, and re-sell purchased eBooks

I believe in the free market of information and ideas.

I believe that authors, writers, and publishers can flourish when their works are readily available on the widest range of media. I believe that authors, writers, and publishers can thrive when readers are given the maximum amount of freedom to access, annotate, and share with other readers, helping this content find new audiences and markets. I believe that eBook purchasers should enjoy the rights of the first-sale doctrine because eBooks are part of the greater cultural cornerstone of literacy, education, and information access.

Digital Rights Management (DRM), like a tariff, acts as a mechanism to inhibit this free exchange of ideas, literature, and information. Likewise, the current licensing arrangements mean that readers never possess ultimate control over their own personal reading material. These are not acceptable conditions for eBooks.

I am a reader. As a customer, I am entitled to be treated with respect and not as a potential criminal. As a consumer, I am entitled to make my own decisions about the eBooks that I buy or borrow.

I am concerned about the future of access to literature and information in eBooks. I ask readers, authors, publishers, retailers, librarians, software developers, and device manufacturers to support these eBook users’ rights.

These rights are yours. Now it is your turn to take a stand. To help spread the word, copy this entire post, add your own comments, remix it, and distribute it to others. Blog it, Tweet it (#ebookrights), Facebook it, email it, and post it on a telephone pole.

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