J'ai recu hier le tout premier screenshot de Notubox. Découvrez le ici:
This blog talks about eReading on ePaper (Kindle, iRex, Sony eReader) but also other eReaders like the iPad, the WeTab, the Google Tablet etc
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
AppsMarathon : extracts from my notes...
AppsMarathon website : http://www.appsmarathon.eu/
Ping Ping
Ping Ping
- solutions for 'everyday small expenses'
- 'in App' payment for Android
- iPad payment via SMS (take your iPhone to pay on your iPad :-))
- Le Soir, Public Bikes (Villo), GPS Parking Guide
- I liked the way the energiewijzer is displayed on the mobile.
- Was a very good example of a business app by someone who knows the business and not the technology (in the first place). I voted for him even if Finance is not my favorite Industry.
- I liked the idea of pro-actively proposing information rather than requiring users to enter and search for stocks. And afterward flagging for watch lists... I found there is added value for the end user here that goes beyond the app. The app is not an app, it's a service and not a self service. Food for thought.
- A part from the fact that barcodes can help you calculate where to buy cheaper, what I retained is that AndroPan allows to share Panoramic pictures. (Sometimes you retain the side talk)
- The success of the CRM is kiss: Instead of flying between screens (email/calendar/...), sales have access to all info in a chronological list, giving them more productivity.
- Looking for partners to build a new mobile version...
- "Digital signage isn't efficient enough": you need to add interactivity to it. Your shopping assistant on your mobile synchronizes with the digital signage.
- "In General, Apps are insecure and so unusable for businesses"
- "The approach has 4 steps : 1. Business Case, 2. Detailed Bus. & Tech Analysis, 3. Pilot, 4. Production" --> I like it, cause I work like that also - see eRRA Methodology
- "There is a great potential to work with Nokia (because we have the highest mobile market share)"
- "There are 1mio Nokia phones in Belgium"
- "A mobile phone is built for sharing things"
- "A mobile phone now allows impulsive buys"
- "Create something (apps) valuable, what should your app do ?"
- Good list on when to use Native Vs HTML5
- "AppInventor is the Visual Basic for mobile phones" - not sure they will like it at Google
- "You might not even need an app, so think twice" - use foursquare, Bump, Layar
- "We decided that strong graphics would be our differentiator. We we saw the competition we thought : We can do it better."
- Encryption of private images by OISafe (AES)
- Play a quizz about Movies on your Mobile --> Could be used for tests (schools, driver licence, eLearning...)
- The iPad is than used as a presentation tool for sales on the go
- Commodore 64 emulator on iPhone
- "When in 6 days you have 1mio downloads, you start to thing you have done the right thing"
- "Never make 'in app' purchases without telling Apple"
- "Different Screens have different sizes and capabilties, it gives headaches..."
- "Look a the the Open Screen project. Everybody is there except a small company..."
- Cool BBC videos on Android Demo
- "Finally we'd better make a Mobile Web app than an Android app, so everybody can have access to it" (3000 downloads on Android Market)
- Google Transit to be integrated
- "Find new cool places to ride with your bike"
- Again someone who puts passion first, technology second. As it should be...
- Their Samsonite application won the contest. If it looks cool (great app realization, movie and everything), I was not totally convinced by the concept.
- I like the way they call their apps for 1212 and 1313 : Woo da Fook (reverse directory) and Formular 1 for automatic forms completion on mobiles
- Connect the citizens with the city via an app and a website. Use your phone to send pics of problems you see in your city. Good idea : useful and smart.
- We can play with the Mobile using adobe flash... of course. Games is the n°1 cultural product nowadays...
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
L'UGent dévoile des ouvrages numérisés via Europeana - Datanews.be
L'UGent dévoile des ouvrages numérisés via Europeana - Datanews.be: "'Numériser un livre, c’est une chose, le retrouver en est une autre. Europeana permet d’effectuer des recherches au moyen de fonctions très étendues sur le descriptif d’un ouvrage dans une banque de données commune. Les livres numériques peuvent chaque fois être retrouvés auprès des institutions mêmes.'
Monday, September 27, 2010
YouTube - Nous avons testé le "DUNE" la tablette tactile belge
In the following video, one can clearly see that Windows 7 on the Dune is very cool for hand-writing...
YouTube - Nous avons testé le "DUNE" la tablette tactile belge: "
A while ago, I blogged on that : What If Microsoft would offer the best tablet ?
Apple and Google, Watch out !
YouTube - Nous avons testé le "DUNE" la tablette tactile belge: "
A while ago, I blogged on that : What If Microsoft would offer the best tablet ?
Apple and Google, Watch out !
Apps Marathon
Apps Marathon - AppePaper - App(s) and ePaper: "Tonight there is the first Apps Marathon : http://www.appsmarathon.eu/schedule
This will be a very good opportunity to see the status of the apps development market in Belgium !
This will be a very good opportunity to see the status of the apps development market in Belgium !
Sunday, September 26, 2010
New home page for appepaper.com
I changed the homepage of appepaper.com in order to clarify what I want to do next years. Give your feedback here if you have...
I BUY IPAD No1 ! Scenes from China - The Big Picture - Boston.com
Scenes from China - The Big Picture - Boston.com: "Han Ziwen celebrates his purchase of the first Apple iPad tablet computer in China at the Apple store in Beijing on September 17, 2010 as Apple began selling iPads in China. (ChinaFotoPress/Getty Images) #

Friday, September 24, 2010
'Uitgevers misbruiken en ondergraven auteursrecht' - eReaders.nl
'Uitgevers misbruiken en ondergraven auteursrecht': "Volgens Visser is 'het auteursrecht bedoeld om de auteur zeggenschap te geven over de verspreiding van zijn werk, hem in staat te stellen voor het gebruik ervan een vergoeding te bedingen én om de verspreiding van zijn werk aan te moedigen. Het is níet bedoeld om een nieuwe verspreidingsvorm zoals digitale boeken te boycotten en oude exploitatiemodellen te beschermen tegen nieuwe.'
Bien dit ça !!
Bien dit ça !!
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Buy the Museum catalog as an eBook
Today, NUMILOG.fr proposes me to buy the electronic version of the Monet's exposition in Paris Livre Monet , Collectif.
I find it an excellent idea.
Question : Note the eBook price is 37€, while the paper version costs 50€. So you save 13€. For me the question is, for a difference of 13€, do you prefer to get the eBook or the paper ?
I find it an excellent idea.
Question : Note the eBook price is 37€, while the paper version costs 50€. So you save 13€. For me the question is, for a difference of 13€, do you prefer to get the eBook or the paper ?
Vendre son ebook : quel modèle économique pour un auteur ? ActuaLitté - Les univers du livre
ActuaLitté nous présente ici plusieurs modèles de prix pour les livres : Prix croissants, décroissants et prix libre.
Vendre son ebook : quel modèle économique pour un auteur ? ActuaLitté - Les univers du livre: "Reste alors le prix dit croissant, ou modèle Ryanair. « Au début le livre est gratuit. Plus les lecteurs en demandent, plus le prix monte, jusqu’à finir par atteindre son prix public. Les lecteurs fidèles et les propulseurs vigilants bénéficient du livre gratuitement, puis les premières fans paient modérément et les late adopters paient le prix fort. »
Vendre son ebook : quel modèle économique pour un auteur ? ActuaLitté - Les univers du livre: "Reste alors le prix dit croissant, ou modèle Ryanair. « Au début le livre est gratuit. Plus les lecteurs en demandent, plus le prix monte, jusqu’à finir par atteindre son prix public. Les lecteurs fidèles et les propulseurs vigilants bénéficient du livre gratuitement, puis les premières fans paient modérément et les late adopters paient le prix fort. »
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
The truth about iPad: It's only good for two things | ZDNet
The truth about iPad: It's only good for two things | ZDNet: "To my close friends and colleagues, I’ve been more candid. I’ve often said, “The iPad is only good for two things: Reading and Scrabble.”
Sunday, September 19, 2010
iWebKit Example : Web site with web radios and RSS on iPhone/iPod (and Android)
Here is an example of an iPhone/iPod site made with iWebKit.
iWebKit allows to make mini-websites which display well on an iPhone/iPod but also on Android.
I created a page where I have access to the radios I use to listen.

Tapping on the icon will launch the webradio.
On Android, it launches A Online radio to play the stream.
If you tap on News, you'll get my RSS feed displayed.
Of course, for Android's fans I should change the Safari Icon to a more "politically correct" icon.
If you like the site you can have a quick access to it. In Safari, click on the + sign at the bottom than "Add to home screen". You'll than have an icon on your home screen for quick access.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Next Issue Predicts $3 Billion Worth Of E-Paper Subs By 2014 | paidContent
Next Issue Predicts $3 Billion Worth Of E-Paper Subs By 2014 | paidContent: "The study, conducted by management consultancy Oliver Wyman, attempted to get a sense of what the expected demand across nearly 230 digital mag and newspaper titles would be over the next few years.
- Sent using Google Toolbar"
- Sent using Google Toolbar"
Thursday, September 16, 2010
New eLinea Video
There is a new Video on the eLinea BE-FR website. See it here : Vidéo - eLinea
I hope there will come a Youtbube version soon so one can pause or stop it adequately...
I hope there will come a Youtbube version soon so one can pause or stop it adequately...
Extract from "iPad Apps Make E-Reading Easier" - WSJ.com
iPad Apps Make E-Reading Easier - WSJ.com: "iBooks has some big downsides. The most important is that, being only five months old, it has a smaller catalog than its rivals—just 130,000 titles, versus around 700,000 for the Kindle app and about one million for the Nook app.
- Sent using Google Toolbar"
- Sent using Google Toolbar"
New eBook page : The eReading Contents Lifecycle
I have added a page to my eBook this morning. These are the processes that enable eReading.
See it here http://bit.ly/9mH7Sn
See it here http://bit.ly/9mH7Sn
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Services - AppePaper.com
"Do I need a Digital Kiosk ? Or is it better to convert everything to ePub ? Or send it all to Google ? Or maybe an iPhone/iPad app ? What about Amazon than ? Or send my Word Documents to India ? Where to sell my content ? How to leverage Facebook for boosting my eBook sales ?
Let's apply some methodology to sort all those objectives and draw an architecture that will optimize your cost and revenue for your Digital Content.
Read more over here : Services - AppePaper.com:
Let's apply some methodology to sort all those objectives and draw an architecture that will optimize your cost and revenue for your Digital Content.
Read more over here : Services - AppePaper.com:
Zinio débarque: le presse belge va se numériser « Le Blog d'EDIPRO
Zinio débarque: le presse belge va se numériser « Le Blog d'EDIPRO:
Mon commentaire:
"Hé oui, le marché de la lecture électronique évolue rapidement. Quand un milliardaire Américain investit dans une plateforme comme Zinio, elle arrive vite et fort. Je me demande ce que Jan Dheedene en pense (cfr http://www.dhemedia.eu/) puisqu’il développe un kiosque digital en Belgique.
Il y aura plusieurs « Zinios » dans les prochaines années. Les éditeurs de magazines doivent s’assurer que des acteurs comme Zinio ne sont qu’un élément de la publication dans une stratégie globale de Media Asset Management. Je prone plutôt la diffusion « multi-channel » afin de ne pas mettre tous les oeufs dans le même panier et garder une certaine indépendance…
- Sent using Google Toolbar"
Mon commentaire:
"Hé oui, le marché de la lecture électronique évolue rapidement. Quand un milliardaire Américain investit dans une plateforme comme Zinio, elle arrive vite et fort. Je me demande ce que Jan Dheedene en pense (cfr http://www.dhemedia.eu/) puisqu’il développe un kiosque digital en Belgique.
Il y aura plusieurs « Zinios » dans les prochaines années. Les éditeurs de magazines doivent s’assurer que des acteurs comme Zinio ne sont qu’un élément de la publication dans une stratégie globale de Media Asset Management. Je prone plutôt la diffusion « multi-channel » afin de ne pas mettre tous les oeufs dans le même panier et garder une certaine indépendance…
- Sent using Google Toolbar"
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
eLinea : Votre journal sur mesure et à la demande ! (eLinea)
I just created a new website for eLinea. The goal is to promote it in Belgium - French Speaking part.
See it here :
eLinea : Votre journal sur mesure et à la demande !
See it here :
eLinea : Votre journal sur mesure et à la demande !
Friday, September 10, 2010
eBook writing and publishing
Today I'm trying something and I'm not sure it's a good idea (yet).
I have decided to write my eBook with Google Sites rather than with OpenOffice. Why ? So I can switch computer and share my draft with friends. The idea is to work in two phases : work on the content until I'm happy and than have a formatting only issue.
Is it a good idea ? Not sure yet...
The Pros :

I have decided to write my eBook with Google Sites rather than with OpenOffice. Why ? So I can switch computer and share my draft with friends. The idea is to work in two phases : work on the content until I'm happy and than have a formatting only issue.
Is it a good idea ? Not sure yet...
The Pros :
- I can share it
- I can publish it in one click and people online can read it
- People who have access can comment
- I'll have to copy it all back from Google Sites to OpenOffice... and/or something else to create a PDF or an ePub or a file for Amazon DTP... And it's a LOT of work...

Monday, September 6, 2010
Don't touch my iPad, it's my private life
This morning I read a good article about the pro and cons of the iPad (see What I love - and what I hate - about iPad | BetaTales http://bit.ly/cltESi).
One of the good thoughts of this article is that an iPad is a personal device. Once an iPad is configured (email, twitter, facebook...), you don't want to give it to someone else as he would immediately have access to your 'secrets'.
This stresses once again the lack of security features on such devices. In the future tablets will come with a multi-user login screen as on PCs. This will also make a process easier : the "rooting" or "jail-breaking" of your device. Logging in as 'root' will make it easier to configure the tablet. Having a real super-user access to a device that you own will become a real plus, especially for "enterprise" configurations for which apps aren't to be found in the App Store...
Note that Google, with Chrome OS has got it right. After you have signed out of your Google account, you could give the device to someone else who would just have to sign-in to have access to HIS information.

One of the good thoughts of this article is that an iPad is a personal device. Once an iPad is configured (email, twitter, facebook...), you don't want to give it to someone else as he would immediately have access to your 'secrets'.
This stresses once again the lack of security features on such devices. In the future tablets will come with a multi-user login screen as on PCs. This will also make a process easier : the "rooting" or "jail-breaking" of your device. Logging in as 'root' will make it easier to configure the tablet. Having a real super-user access to a device that you own will become a real plus, especially for "enterprise" configurations for which apps aren't to be found in the App Store...
Note that Google, with Chrome OS has got it right. After you have signed out of your Google account, you could give the device to someone else who would just have to sign-in to have access to HIS information.

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