Friday, March 30, 2012

A test for @booxtream ? Pirated copy of Harry Potter ebook discovered already.

One year ago, I had a discussion with Huub Van De Pol of about developing a social drm module for ebooks. Huub told me he was doing it already, so I abandoned the idea. 

Now I read on the web that booxtream would be the drm solution for Harry Potter ebooks.

That would be a huge achievement for booxtream, but also a real test. 

When I remember my discussion with Huub about all the hidden protection techniques of booxstream, I believe the pirate ebook will reveal who had purchased it. The next question is than, how do we find the pirate and annoy him in order to educate the market on the disadvantges of piracy. That's the nasty part of social drm...

The first Pottermore ebook pirate has struck – Pirated copy of Harry Potter ebook discovered already.

Synopsis:  This morning, Nate Hoffelder has reported on his blog The Digital Reader (link below) that the first illegal copy of one of the new Pottermore DRM free Harry Potter ebooks has appeared on the web.

Read more on The first Pottermore ebook pirate has struck – Pirated copy of Harry Potter ebook discovered already….D

Jean-Francois Declercq
+32 486 744 520

Friday, February 3, 2012

AppePaper - eReading News - 3 Feb 2012

Posted: 03 Feb 2012 12:47 AM PST
Les éditions Plon préparent une collection exclusivement numérique | eBouquin
Posted: 03 Feb 2012 12:47 AM PST
[Interview] Frank de The Pixelizers répond à nos questions « Les Ardoises
Posted: 03 Feb 2012 12:47 AM PST
La révolution Samsung du Super Bowl : le Galaxy Note « Les Ardoises
Posted: 02 Feb 2012 09:38 AM PST
467 millions d'euros injectés dans l'industrie numérique |
Posted: 02 Feb 2012 02:08 AM PST
RT @davanac: Une entreprise française était en négociation avec Megaupload pour rémunérer les auteurs | Reflets

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Ebooks and apps innovation exciting publishers despite price concerns | Technology |

Ebooks and apps innovation exciting publishers despite price concerns | Technology |

Henri Volans : "The phrase which keeps coming up in my mind about ebooks is evolution" . "I have absolute certainty that we have not reached anything close to the evolutionary ideal of the ebook… I find it absolutely inconceivable that the book can't evolve and change and grow."

In his role at Faber, Volans commissioned the iPad edition of The Waste Land, working with partner company Touch Press on the tablet version of T.S. Eliot's poem.

Volans picked out Thames & Hudson's Cyclepedia iPad app as another good example of book-app innovation during his speech at the event. "It seems a good example of an e-book that does justice to an art book," he said.

Ebooks and School Libraries | American Libraries Magazine

Ebooks and School Libraries | American Libraries Magazine:
To better explore these challenges and advantages, it helps to consider a few different school library ebook-use scenarios. A common desire in K–12 buildings is to adopt ebook readers as a replacement for costly and heavy printed texts. An English department that considered making this change was stymied by the lack of availability of some of the texts on their reading list.