Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Android, une fois ! l'ebook du débutant Android

Nous venons d'éditer un ebook en Français pour les utilisateurs
débutants sur Android sur Amazon. 

Lien vers Amazon

Lien vers notre site :

Quand j'ai offert un HTC android a mon Papa, j'ai pris 2 heures à lui
expliquer la base : les apps, le market, les boutons... Ce sont ces
explications de la premièere heure que nous avons voulu figer avec cet

Nous avons aussi une sélection d'applications, avec certaines Belges.
Car nous sommes fiers d'être Belges et c'est pour cela qu'on a appellé le eBook  "Android, une fois!"
Si vous offrez un téléphone Android à Noel, pensez à notre eBook

Pour Dominique et J-F, 


Monday, December 20, 2010

Flipboard starts to edit magazines

Flipboard is a great eReading application on the iPad. It allows to read Internet feeds (like RSS) and transform it in a nice kind of eBook. You can flip the pages of your RSS feeds as if they were an eBook or a magazine.

Last week I suddenly received the following message from feedbooks (see screenshot) : "Starting today, eight renowned publishers will be testing an innovative new way to bring the timeless beauty of print media to the Web..."

This means that you can now use Flipboard to read magazines.

This is yet another way to read a magazine on a tablet (the iPad in this case). There are several ways to read magazines on a tablet : Woodwing, eLinea, Kobo, Zinio...

What is the best system ? It is too soon to tell, they all improve everyday. I believe the main success criterias will be the following :
  • Speed of download: some magazines consume way too much MB and take ages to download
  • Speed and ease of navigation, sometimes you get lost in magazines
  • Good content with opportune multi-media integration
  • Readability and Layout - sometimes there is too much text
  • A good mix between paid and free content
  • Content optimized to the profile of the reader
  • Well designed non intrusive feedback possibilities (comments, Social Networking...)

Friday, December 17, 2010

Le guide de visite de la tour Eiffel sur Ipad

Les dernières actualités: "Le guide de visite de la tour Eiffel sur Ipad
Pour tout savoir sur le monument et Paris lors de votre visite, vous pouvez louer le guide officiel de la Tour Eiffel sur Ipad.
Multimédia, tactile, multilingue, la tablette vous propose
- une visite de Paris à travers un panorama à 360° présentant plus de 80 points d'intérêt,
- une visite de la tour Eiffel à travers son histoire et ses faits les plus remarquables La boutique se trouve au 2ème étage de la tour Eiffel.
Location pour une heure : 7€

- Sent using Google Toolbar"

Tell Us about Your Favorite Transmedia Projects

Tell Us about Your Favorite Transmedia Projects: "Transmedia has been a buzz word in publishing since at least 2003, but it’s one that’s still ill-defined. The creators of Inanimate Alice, as discussed in today’s editorial, describe it as “multimodality using images, sounds, text, interaction . . . to see storytelling in a new, multi-sensory light.” It is something bigger and more interactive than an enhanced e-book, but different than a Web site."

- Sent using Google Toolbar, spécialement pour Dominique (TransMediaManagement)...

La lecture numérique vue d’ailleurs : 813 000 XO au Pérou -

La lecture numérique vue d’ailleurs : 813 000 XO au Pérou: "Il y a quelques jours, le gouvernement péruvien a annoncé avoir distribué plus de 813 000 XO aux enfants du pays (pour une classe d’âge comprise entre 8 et 12 ans) au sein de plus de 8350 établissements. Ainsi, le Pérou devient le pays avec le parc de XO le plus important au monde (dépassant de peu l’Uruguay). ... Chaque XO distribué est préchargé avec plusieurs dizaines d’ebooks..."

Source :

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Les 4 éléments d’une bonne stratégie d’édition numérique | Bienvenue à PWALE

Les 4 éléments d’une bonne stratégie d’édition numérique | Bienvenue à PWALE: "Une bonne stratégie d’édition numérique se compose de 4 éléments:

1. l’eCommerce : quels sont les canaux à privilégier pour la vente de livre numériques.
2. le Contenu : il faut continuer à proposer du contenu de qualité
3. la Communication : il faut à présent faire le networking et la promotion des eBooks sur l’Intenet
4. l’Organisation : il faut que l’éditeur acquière les compétences liées au numérique

Comment faire pour atteindre ces objectifs ? contactez-nous ! Jean-François Declercq ou Dominique Gany."

Monday, December 13, 2010

Information Architects – News on iPad, the Obvious Way

Information Architects – News on iPad, the Obvious Way: "Developing an HTML based news app is not just cheaper and faster, it also gives you more editorial and technical control over your contents. More importantly, HTML-apps are in many ways more convenient for the user: They’re easy to use, they’re more medium appropriate and in that sense: more appealing and—they’re free. No long downloads, no “how do I get to…”, no weird crashes, no trouble to share, copy, paste, comment, tweet, link to. They just work."

Sunday, December 12, 2010 Announced Today Their Grand Opening Announced Today Their Grand Opening: " was create by entrepreneur, programmer, and author, Bo Bennett, who realized a major need for this kind of full-service business after struggling with converting his own print book to eBook format in the summer of 2010."

Des tablettes pour réduire la Fracture Numérique ? | Bienvenue à PWALE

Des tablettes pour réduire la Fracture Numérique ? | Bienvenue à PWALE: "La réduction de la fracture numérique ne se jouera donc plus au niveau du matériel informatique et de la connectivité mais au niveau de la capacité de proposer un portefeuille de contenu et services accessibles à tous."

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Why are big publishers ignoring interactive picture books?

Why are big publishers ignoring interactive picture books?: "“Children’s eBooks continue to lead the Top Paid Apps in the Books category in the App Store today. The No. 1 app in the store is Mickey’s Spooky Night Puzzle Book from Disney, followed by iVerse Media’s Pocket God Comics at No. 2 and Oceanhouse Media’s Dr. Seuss title What Was I Scared Of? at No. 3. Disney’s Winnie the Pooh app [...] is ranked at No. 4 and rounding out the Top 10 at No. 10 is Loud Crow Interactive’s new title PopOut! The Tale of Peter Rabbit, an interactive version of the classic children’s tale.”

I agree, the first eBook I bought was "Toy Story 3 Read Along", for the good school results of my son Thomas...

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Google eBooks - Simply read

This morning I had a quick look at Google eBooks.

When you arrive there you see you have 3 ebooks in "My eBook". Select one of those than click the 'Read Now' button. You will be able to start reading the eBook.

I find the Interface exactly what it needs to be : very simple. With a tablet in your hands I think it's close enough to reading  a real book... Future will tell.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

2010 Tech Trends: Facebook, eBooks, and the Groupon | BlogHer

2010 Tech Trends: Facebook, eBooks, and the Groupon | BlogHer: "2010 was a fascinating and fast-paced year for tech. Some trends that have been around for a while reached the tipping point this year, and some new trends are emerging that will dominate 2011.
eBooks and eBook readers

The price for an eBook reader dropped significantly this year. The number of device choices expanded. And the number of books available in that format grew and grew and grew.

Many who have the capability to buy an eBook instead of a printed copy are choosing that as the preferred option. There are several reasons for this, among them lower price, instant delivery, and lightweight portability for a reader's entire library.

I see the eBook market continuing to expand as more and more users turn to digital delivery for all kinds of reading material. Unique ideas for eBooks appear every day, such as this idea, described by FrugalBabe that sells eBooks for charity fund-raising. "

- Sent using Google Toolbar"

2013 Will See eBook Reader Markets Catch Fire, Says ABI Research | Business Wire

2013 Will See eBook Reader Markets Catch Fire, Says ABI Research | Business Wire: "NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--The market for eBook readers has until now been largely restricted to the United States, and has been led by Amazon’s Kindle, Barnes & Noble’s Nook, and Sony’s Reader. But according to ABI Research, starting in 2013 eBook reader markets will start to expand globally. The firm forecasts that more than 30 million readers will ship during that year, almost double the 2012 total."

Friday, December 3, 2010

Business eBooks - Idea and Tests - AppePaper - App(s) and ePaper

"Last week I have been doing some tests on a new concept : Business eBooks -
The idea came from two different thoughts."

Read the rest over here : Business eBooks - Idea and Tests - AppePaper - App(s) and ePaper.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

VS: 21 procent boekenkopers bezit leesapparaat

VS: 21 procent boekenkopers bezit leesapparaat: "Volgens een onderzoek van Codex Group heeft momenteel 21 procent van de Amerikaanse boekenkopers een ereader of tablet. Het onderzoeksbureau vroeg 6.250 boekenkopers over hun gewoontes rond het kopen van boeken. Codex schat verder dat er sinds de prijsverlaging van de Kindle in juli rond de 800.000 exemplaren van deze ereader verkocht zijn."

Pas de place pour l’iPhone et l’iPad sur les réseaux professionnels belges -

Pas de place pour l’iPhone et l’iPad sur les réseaux professionnels belges - "Quasiment 75 pour cent des managers ICT belges ‘s’opposent entièrement’ ou ‘ne sont guère d’accord’ à ce que leurs collaborateurs connectent leur téléphone intelligent (smartphone) ou PC tablette (tel l’iPad) personnel à l’infrastructure IT de l’entreprise. Plus de la moitié ne veut en fait même pas en entendre parler."

How user payment will improve journalism | BetaTales

How user payment will improve journalism | BetaTales: "... the real value of a newspaper is not necessarily the individual pieces of content, but how they have been put together into a package.

Voir aussi : eLinea : une des 5 manières de faire se faire payer du contenu pour les journaux...

Monday, November 29, 2010

Your business brochure on your customer's mobiles - Business ebooks

Your business brochure on your customer's mobiles - Business ebooks: "You can now propose your small business brochure to your customers so they can always have it on them on their iPhone, Smartphone, laptop, iPad, ANdroid Tablet, Kindle, eReader...

Of course you could provide them a PDF but it won't adapt to their device screen size. A simple website would do the trick but some of your customers aren't connected all the time. Your customers would like an imporved electronic Business card...

To do so, you can use the ePub format. ePub is the format for eBooks. The advantage is that it is 'reflowable', the contents will very easilly adapt to the screen of the device.

Here is an example : I took the menu of one of my favorite restaurants (Filosofia Italiana) and I converted it to ePub."

La brochure de votre commerce sur les mobiles de vos clients - Business ebooks

La brochure de votre commerce sur les mobiles de vos clients - Business ebooks: "Vous pouvez proposer la brochure de votre commerce favori à vos clients afin qu'ils puissent toujours l'avoir sur eux sur leur iPhone, smartphone, ordinateur, iPad, tablette Android...

Bien sûr vous pouvez leur fournir la brochure en PDF mais alors elle ne s'adaptera pas à toutes les tailles d'écrans. Un site Internet pourrait convenir mais les clients ne sont pas tous connectés en permanence. Les clients voudraient disposer de votre carte de visite électronique améliorée...

Pour cela, utilisez le format ePub. Le format ePub est le format des livres électroniques. L'avantage de ePub est qu'il est 'reflowable', c'est à dire que le contenu va plus facilement s'adapter à la taille de l'écran.

Voici un exemple : j'ai repris la carte d'un de mes restaurants préferrés à Overijse (Filosofia Italiana) et je l'ai transformée en ePub."

Lire la suite :

MOBYLIVES » Why print books beat ebooks for travel guides

MOBYLIVES » Why print books beat ebooks for travel guides: "“It sounded like a better, lighter way to pack for a trip to Germany: a Kindle with a Lonely Planet travel guide in lieu of an 844-page brick of a book,” says Anick Jesdanun. “Yet to my surprise, the 10-day visit to Munich, Dresden and Berlin turned into a lesson about the pitfalls of cramming an old medium - the book - into a new one - the electronic reading device.”

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Are Disposable eReaders In Our Future? : TreeHugger

Are Disposable eReaders In Our Future? : TreeHugger: "'One of the main goals of e-paper is to replicate the look and feel of actual ink on paper,' the researchers stated in the ACS article. 'We have, therefore, investigated the use of paper as the perfect substrate for EW devices to accomplish e-paper on paper.'

- Sent using Google Toolbar"

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Blogus operandi: Où sont nos livres électroniques

Blogus operandi: Où sont nos livres électroniques: "Les Archives & Bibliothèques de l’ULB vous proposent plus de 15.500 livres électroniques. Comment les trouver ?"

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

L'iPad, ami des arbres

La prochaine évolution industrielle: L'iPad, ami des arbres: "Dans le cadre d'un mémoire de maîtrise réalisé en 2007 à l'Université de Sherbrooke, en partenariat avec le Centre interuniversitaire de recherche sur l'analyse du cycle de vie (CIRAIG) de l'École Polytechnique, nous avons comparé les impacts environnementaux d'un journal par rapport à un papier électronique sur l'ensemble du cycle de vie. L'analyse révèle que le papier électronique a sept fois moins d'impact sur les changements climatiques qu'un journal. Elle montre également qu'il y a des gains significatifs dans toutes les catégories d'impacts: santé humaine, qualité des écosystèmes et utilisation des ressources.

On comprend vite que le journal en papier est désavantagé quand on considère que la plupart des gens ne lisent que quelques articles par jour, mais qu'il faut imprimer toutes les pages du journal pour les lire.

En comparaison, combien de livres faudrait-il lire pour que le bilan environnemental de l'iPad devienne plus avantageux? Entre 40 et 100, selon la catégorie d'impact environnemental. C'est du moins la conclusion d'une analyse du cycle de vie de l'iPad publiée dans le New York Times récemment. Cela équivaut donc à lire un livre par semaine pendant deux ans. C'est beaucoup."

(Jean-Sébastien Trudel)

Monday, November 22, 2010

Le Blog d'EDIPRO - Succès relatif pour l'iPad

Le Blog d'EDIPRO: "« Malgré quelque 4,2 millions unités écoulés depuis son lancement, en avril, l’iPad d’Apple reste un succès tout relatif. Les ventes ont d’ailleurs été jugées insuffisantes par les marchés, qui ont sanctionné le titre Apple en octobre. L’iPad n’est pas encore la révolution numérique tant attendue pour les journaux et les magazines. « C’est une première étape ayant pour vertu d’éduquer à la lecture d’une information numérique », estime Philippe Torres, directeur des études et du conseil de l’Atelier BNP Paribas. » Un article de Trends online.

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Des iPad pour réduire la consommation de papier dans un ministère canadien - iPad en France avec, le blog iPad

Des iPad pour réduire la consommation de papier dans un ministère canadien - iPad en France avec, le blog iPad: "Les membres du cabinet ministériel de la province de Saskatchewan au Canada se sont vus affecter un iPad dans le but de réduire la consommation de papier au sein de l'organisation.

Selon cet article il a été calculé que le coût des 23 iPad achetés (23 000 $) serait remboursé deux fois en un an environ, ceci grâce à l'économie réalisée en papier, impression mais également en envoi postal.

Une manière bien sympathique d'allier économie et haute technologie en espérant que le résultat soit positif et que cela fasse des émules !

Friday, November 19, 2010

Leading Voices

Earlier this week, I blogged about Google Boutiques :  a new way to shop on the web.

After a discussion I had at Devoxx with a smart person, it seems there is a name for what I feel will become very important for Internet Sales in the future :

the "leading voices"

What we can see in Boutiques is that product are not presented by themselves. They are presented by popular people who kind of tell us : "Hey this is cool".

Translated to eReading, it's very possible that you will rely on leading voices for choosing what to read : which ebooks should I buy ? which journalists are present on the web ?

Europe1 already made the shift. If you look at their website you will see only but leading voices...

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Devoxx 2010: vive Java, noSQL et d’autres encore -

Devoxx 2010: vive Java, noSQL et d’autres encore - "l’événement est fréquenté ou supporté par pas moins de 67 groupes d’utilisateurs Java, ce qui signifie clairement que Devoxx constitue l’événement Java européen par excellence. Et il ne faut pas s’étonner qu’Oracle - conjointement avec Adobe et RedHat, les sponsors principaux de Devoxx - ait décidé de ne pas organiser son JavaOne en Europe, comme elle le fait dans d’autres parties du monde.

Cross Media Publishing Seminar: Visies en conclusies - Catena

Cross Media Publishing Seminar: Visies en conclusies: "Cross Media Publishing Seminar: Visies en conclusies PDF Afdrukken

ipadpublishingDe komst van smartphones en nieuwe tablet computers zoals de iPad hebben ons als creatieve professionals en marketeers grondig wakker geschud. Opeens krijgen we nieuwe opportuniteiten om niet alleen via traditionele media met onze (potentiële) klanten te communiceren.Maar hoe moeten we hier nu mee omgaan? Hoe kunnen we nu best print, video, web en mobile communicatie op mekaar afstemmen?

Catena Company organiseerde op 21 oktober jongstleden een seminar, de verschillende visies en conclusies werden nu samengevat in een online presentatie."

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

'Smart phones': la plate-forme qu'attendait l'e-health mobile? -

'Smart phones': la plate-forme qu'attendait l'e-health mobile? - "Selon research2guidance, société d’études de marché allemande spécialisée en mobilité, près d’un tiers des smart phones devraient héberger une ou plusieurs applications médicales mobiles (mHealth) d’ici 2015. Les utilisateurs seront aussi bien les utilisateurs individuels que les professionnels de la santé.

See also

Motivation/Principles/Requirements extensions to Archimate ? Archi User forum

Motivation/Principles/Requirements extensions to Archimate - Archi User forum:
"(ArchiMate® Extension for Modeling and Managing Motivation, Principles
and Requirements in TOGAF
A White Paper by: Dick Quartel, Wilco Engelsman, Henk Jonkers)

specifies a Motivation aspect, and adds the following objects:
Stakeholder, Concern, Assessment, Goal, Principle, Requirement, as
well as some new relations. This would make a great addon. "
Great ! If such an extension is added, that would allow me to use only one method instead of combining KAOS and Archimate in the eRRA methodology.

Official Google Blog: Introducing Boutiques: a new way to shop for fashion online

Official Google Blog: Introducing Boutiques: a new way to shop for fashion online: "A year and half ago, our team (which at the time was part of started to wonder if we could create a better experience for people to shop online."

A closer look at Boutiques shows us how digital contents could be sold in the future. You just want to follow what people read and catch it from there....

A good example of "Social Grasduinen" ?

Chinese e-reader price war is heating up

Chinese e-reader price war is heating up: "Digitimes are reporting that Hanvon, MReader, and other Chinese e-reader manufacturers have lowered their prices for the domestic Chinese market.

Hanvon Technology, currently the largest vendor of e-book readers in the China market, has lowered its retail prices by 200-300 yuan (US$30-45) on average, with the lowest price reaching 950 yuan, according to report by China-based Beijing Morning Post. The price war for e-book readers in the China market has kicked off and there are expected to be rounds of price-cut competition, the source cited China-based consulting company Analysys International as indicating.

In addition to Hanvon, fellow vendor MReader has cut the retail price for its S600 e-book reader to 999 yuan and another vendor Gorld has cut the price for its 500T to about 1,000 yuan.

If you’re thinking that $45 isn’t a big change, keep in mind that the Nook-Kindle price war only dropped the price $80, and that happened mainly becuase B&N wanted to price the Nook Wifi in relation to the Kobo e-reader.

- Sent using Google Toolbar"

Friday, November 12, 2010

Why Brussels is the chosen city « TEDxBrussels Blog

Why Brussels is the chosen city « TEDxBrussels Blog: "Anything started from California in Brussels seems to take off immediately, more than any other city in the world, Brussels and San Francisco for some odd reason mingle. TEDxBrussels is the largest TEDx in the world; The Founder Institute Brussels is the second biggest in the world (next to New York) and the recently started Quantified Self Group is starting to gain traction although it was originally only meant to take off in January 2011."

Thursday, November 11, 2010 - On peut faire mieux, non ? "Vous accédez à une librairie de plus de 800 000 titres, vous commandez, payez en ligne et choisissez le point libraire adhérent dans lequel vous souhaitez retirer vos livres."

Ceci est un bel exemple de refus d'adaptation à un monde qui change.

Pourquoi commander un livre sur le web puis aller le chercher alors qu'on pourrait le downloader directement ?
  • parcequ'on préferre le papier. Ok mais alors n'importe quel point relai devrait fonctionner. On peut se le faire livrer dans une station essence, c'est ouvert plus tôt et plus tard.
  • parcequ'on veut en discuter avec le libraire... avec lequel on est déjà peut-être connectés sur 5 reseaux sociaux ?
Ok mais...

Il y a ici une opportunité ratée de la part des libraires. Qu'est-ce qu'une librairie ? Pourquoi on irait encore dans une librairie si on aime lire des livres électroniques ? Comment le libraire va-t'il gagner sa vie dans le futur ?

Le libraire dispose d'une surface commerciale qu'il doit utiliser de manière optimale pour maximiser son revenu. Dans 5 ans la moitié des gens liront au format électronique. Pourquoi iraient-ils dans une librairie ?

  • pour imprimer un morceau du livre (les meilleurs passages, les photos)

  • pour imprimer leurs notes

  • pour acheter une liseuse, la faire réparer, acheter des accessoires

  • pour discuter le coup avec les gens qui lisent les mêmes genres de livres, réunion organisée par le libraire qui aura réussi a rester au contact de clients (ce qui suppose une présence électronique)

  • pour avoir accès au contenu complet du livre électronique avant d'acheter (comme avec le papier), hors propose l'inverse !!!

  • pour rencontrer les écrivains en vrai

  • ...

Je m’arrête là mais il y a pleins de choses à imaginer. Il me semble qu'un libraire qui a des idées peut faire bien plus que d'être un dépôt de commerce électronique. Mais il faut réinventer son métier...

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Free eBook : what matters now - Seth Godin

Yesterday I started to read Seth Godin's new free eBook = "What matters now".

It's a cool eBook (in PDF format), you can find read about it on the blog of Seth Godin and download it by clicking on the button :


Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Les standards deviennent-ils la bureaucratie de l’informatique ?

Les standards deviennent-ils la bureaucratie de l’informatique ?: "Les standards deviennent-ils la bureaucratie de l’informatique ?

Il est un fait que normes et standards sont des outils nécessaires à notre métier. Mais leur soi-disant respect est loin d’apporter tous les bénéfices attendus. Et certains comme ceux de l'accessibilité le sont encore peu."

Sunday, October 31, 2010

De la nécessité d’investir plus dans la technologie de rupture -

De la nécessité d’investir plus dans la technologie de rupture - "L’Europe doit investir davantage dans la technologie innovante (‘disruptive’) et moins dans la recherche incrémentale. 'En ne changeant pas nos habitudes, nous n’y arriverons pas', a déclaré Wim De Waele lors de l’IBBT Nocturne dans le cadre de l’ITEA & Artemis Co-summit à Gand.

The future of Desktop PC User Interfaces (UIs) ?

"On the desktop, application windows will disappear for full screen display and context navigation menus".

This is my prediction. My daily use of smartphones, tablets and desktops shows me a big difference between devices. On the Desktop you work with windows, while on the other devices windows don't exist.

When I browse the web with Firefox on mu PC I often switch to "Full Screen" and in order to access the browser functions I need to go back to normal. I believe in the future, context menus will come in the middle of the screen, making it unnesseray to look for the window frame, just like when you go full-screen on youtube you can move in the movie or when you touch your smartphone.

The next question is than : how to dipslay multiple applications at the same time ?

On Smartphones, this is mainly solved by the use of widgets that you can drop on your main view(s)...

Visit Museums with your Tablet/eReader : La Maison du Roi in Brussels

If you have
  • a tablet (like an iPad, a Samsung Galaxy Tab, an Archos, a Chinese aPad...)
  • an ereader (Kindle, Irex,...) 
when you go to the museum, take the time to browse the museum website before your visit.

For example, The museum of the Maison du Roi located on the 'Grand Place' of Brussels proposes a nice "Educational game" ("jeu-parcours")  for kids aged 6-8, 9-12 and Adults. You can download the game in PDF (FR) (EN) (NL) on the website of the museum. The museum is about Brussels and hosts the wardrobe of Manneken-Pis.

Concerning the game, kids really like to have a look at the tablet, read the question than walk in the museum to find the answer. An App could make it much more interactive, for checking the answers for example... Something similar was presented at the AppsMarathon (MovieQuizz)

With your tablet, you can better prepare yourself and learn new things before, during and after your visit...

Did you know Mannekenpis is only one of 4 fontains around the Grand-Place of Brussels ?

Saturday, October 30, 2010

An attempt to make Archimate diagrams more "non ITers friendly"

I have noticed some users are a bit afraid when they see the Archimate Notation.

This is a fisrt attempt to make it look easier...

It's just a start for the Business Layer (Business Functions is still missing, though).

Friday, October 29, 2010

De Tijd: E-boek amper aanwezig op Boekenbeurs

De Tijd: E-boek amper aanwezig op Boekenbeurs: "Veel uit­ge­vers en boek­han­dels zijn bang voor een kan­ni­ba­li­sa­tie van het pa­pie­ren boek."

Create a QR code for your site with

You can create a QR Code for your website using

Here is the QR code for

Serendipitor favorise la rencontre avec l'espace public

Serendipitor favorise la rencontre avec l'espace public: "L'application géolocalise l'utilisateur et lui indique des lieux à découvrir tels que des espaces culturels ou commerciaux et des actions à entreprendre sur le vif pour entrer en contact avec ses pairs."

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Vook Launch Digital Serial Rights Program

Vook Launch Digital Serial Rights Program: "“Our goal with this new initiative is to provide authors and publishers the opportunity to give readers a taste of their literary releases while creating a highly dynamic and engaging digital experience for readers,” said Matthew Cavnar , head of Acquisitions for Vook.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

KAOS at the Vlaams Software Platform (VSP) ?

On Nov 28 2010, Axel Van Lamsweerde will talk about "Requirements Engineering".

Vlaams Software Platform (VSP): "14:20 Keynote: Requirements Engineering: What, Why and How?
Axel van Lamsweerde (UCL)
Poor software requirements have been recurrently recognized to be the major cause of project cost overruns, delivery delays, failure to meet expectations, or severe degradations in the environment controlled by the software. This talk will introduce what requirements engineering (RE) is about and discuss why RE for mission-critical systems is difficult and critical. A multi-view model-based approach to RE will be outlined to address many of the challenges raised by this activity."

At the University, I learned the KAOS Methdology for requirements
analysis by following at the lecture of Mr Van Lamwseerde. The KAOS
methodology allows to model a system's requirements by linking it with
its Goals. It's a Goal Driven Requirements Acquisition Methodology.

I use KAOS in my eReading Architecture methodology.

If you are looking for specialized consulting on these methods, contact me or have a look at the following company :

Nationale Uitgeefdag - Seminar

Ik kan er niet zijn , maar succes !

Nationale Uitgeefdag - Seminar: "Seminar

eBooks: de juiste digitale ontsluiting voor UW content

Een uitgever moet tegenwoordig verder kijken dan het gedrukte boek en het eendimensionale product. Crius Group heeft een methodologie ontwikkeld die u helpt de juiste digitale ontsluitingsvorm en strategie voor uw content te bepalen. U ziet een aantal realisaties, maar vooral ook een methode om tot de juiste ontsluitingsvorm voor uw content en uw publiek te komen.

Spreker: Marcel van Denken en Roel van de Water - Crius Group

Zaal: Zaal 2 (Bas Paauwe zaal), aanvang: 12:00 uur."

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Mindomo announces Mindmaps for iPad, iPhone and Android

Mindomo Newsletter - October 2010: "Mindomo for Tablets and Mobile Phones

Now that real-time collaboration and versioning are done, the next step in our evolution is to release optimized versions for tablet devices and mobile phones. We will target iPad, iPhone and Android devices. "

Friday, October 22, 2010

24symbols ontwikkelt Spotify voor ebooks

24symbols ontwikkelt Spotify voor ebooks: "Net zoals bij de muziekdienst Spotify is er bij 24symbols een model waarbij lezers gratis ebooks kunnen lezen. Ebooks gaan dan vergezeld van contextuele advertenties en lezers kunnen de ebooks niet lezen wanneer ze niet met internet verbonden zijn.

- Sent using Google Toolbar"

Innovation and Questions in the eReading Reference Architecture

When you draw an architecture, you sometimes identify spots where you have a question.  At some other places, you detect some space for innovation.

The eRRA meta-model is based on two meta-models : KAOS and Archimate. I than extend the model with my own concepts : iPad, eReader, Desktop, Entreprise, SmartPhone...

The eRRA meta-model was extended this week to include two new stereotypes:

  • Question
  • Innovation
 I should describe those meta-model extensions in my eBook :

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Is the Serendipity of Book Discovery Dead in the Age of E-books?

Is the Serendipity of Book Discovery Dead in the Age of E-books?: "the question is: In a world ruled by increasingly sophisticated algorithms — one’s that presume to know what you want to buy and the type of man or woman you want to date — is the serendipity of book discovery a think of the past in the age of e-books?

- Sent using Google Toolbar"

PC Tablettes: succès annoncé -

PC Tablettes: succès annoncé - "Gartner estime que les PC tablettes atteindront 19,5 millions d'unités cette année, avec une progression de pas moins de 118% l'an prochain.

- Sent using Google Toolbar"

Monday, October 18, 2010

Imprimer sur votre iPad -

Comment exporter directement un document vers iBooks: "Chaque semaine, retrouvez une des astuces extraite du manuel Tout savoir sur iBooks (éditions Librid, disponible sur Immatériel ou l’iBookstore). Cette semaine, nous débutons avec un tutorial qui vous permettra d’utiliser votre iPad comme imprimante numérique, comme support de documents.

- Sent using Google Toolbar"

Friday, October 15, 2010

Retour sur "Le livre soluble dans le Net ?"

Le 29 septembre dernier se déroulait au TechnofuturTIC une journée sur le thème du livre numérique.

C'était une journée très intéressante. Voici quelques extraits de mes notes:
  1. "Cette année il y a 80 livres numériques pour 700 nouveautés" - Martine Garssou - Communeauté Française

  2. "Le marché du numérique est de 1% en BE-FR-UK... décollage en 2012-2013... 20% en 2020" - Martine Garssou - Communeauté Française

  3. "La communeauté Française doit se positionner (face à toutes les questions sur le livre numérique)" -Martine Garssou - Communeauté Française

  4. "Les mutations de l'écrit sont : persistance, ubiquité, hypertexte, interactivité, multimédia" - Nathalie Caclard

  5. "Il faut favoriser le courage de la découverte (des livres, serendipity)" - Nathalie Caclard

  6. "Un livre c'est le temps qu'on mets a le lire" - Citation attribuée à François Bon

  7. "La règle 1, 9, 90 : 1% contribue, 9% réagissent, 90% lisent seulement"

  8. C'est quoi un livre ? Quelle qualité un livre doit-il avoir pour s'appeler un livre ?

  9. "Pour nous un livre, c'est créer quelque chose de cohérent qui a une certaine ligne" - Benoit Dupont -

  10. Faire des propositions d'écriture : "Si j'étais..."

  11. "La meilleure facon de conserver un texte à long terme, c'est de le graver en latin sur une pierre" - Olivier Lefèvre

  12. "Le livre objet, c'est fini" - Olivier Lefèvre -

  13. "L'essentiel est toujours là : raconter une histoire" - Benoît Dupont -

  14. L'enjeu est que le numérique génere ses revenus via la publicité, il faut éviter que les livres soient bradés dan s des bouquets numériques qui les dévalorisent et ne procurent des revenus qu'aux publicitaires -  Vincent Engel

  15. "Tous les problèmes complexes ont une solution simple, mais ce n'est pas la bonne" - Citation de Umberto Ecco?

  16. "Un écrivain doit avoir le sens de la carrièere : savoir ce qu'il doit faire pour être publié et reconnu"

  17. "Il faut intégrer les données morpho-typiques dans la stratégie de diffusion" - Mathieu Pasquini -

  18. "Les aggrégateurs ou tuyaux de livres (Google, Télécoms, Apple, Amazon) n'ont pas la culture du livre" - Pierre Lelong

  19. "Face au livre numérique, les gens s'attendent a une expérience différente" - Pierre Lelong

  20. "30% des fichiers ePub sont mal formatés"

  21. "Le numérique, c'est pas moins de coûts. C'est plus de coûts. Il faut des traitements en +" - Marc Minon - CAIRN

  22. "Un livre (De Boek) c'est structurer de l'information" - Georges Hoyos

  23. "Avec le numérique, je peux acheter seulement un morceau de livre" - George Hoyos

  24. "Si on a pas d'idées pour vendre des livres numériques, faut faire autre chose" - Georges Hoyos

  25. "La bibliothèque devient le 3e lieu de vie"  - Chantal Stanescu

  26. "40% des Américains lit moins d'un livre par an" - Clément Monjou

  27. "Aujourd'hui, aucun éditeur ne fait de l'argent avec le numérique"

  28. "Nous essayons de regrouper les Internautes en fonction de leurs goûts de lecture" - Pierre Fremaux- Babelio

  29. "1 % des livres représente 23% des lectures" - Pierre Fremaux

  30. Tous à PWALE - Dominique Gany -

Merci à TechnofuturTIC : La journée était très intéressante. J'avais participé a des journés similaires en Hollande et en Flandre (eReading event a Eindhoven et Bruxelles), celle-ci était beaucoup plus orientée métier. La Wallonie montre un visage plus réfléchi, alors que les Néerlandophones foncent sur la technologie. Une réfléxion en profondeur me semble plus adaptée. Si les acteurs du livre Wallon poursuivent leur réflexion stratégique, ils pourront acquérir la technologie au bon moment sans devoir en essuyer les plâtres....


Guide des usages pédagogiques de l'iPad

Des iPad dans les collèges des Hauts-de-Seine: "le Conseil Général a rédigé un guide des usages pédagogiques de l’iPad. Un terme relativement large pour parler d’un catalogue d’applications.


Friday, October 1, 2010

Les développeurs encore partagés entre l'iOS et Android

Les développeurs encore partagés entre l'iOS et Android: "Le système d'exploitation d'Apple offre actuellement plus d'opportunités pour les professionnels. Mais sur le long terme, ces derniers semblent privilégier celui de Google.

OneVision at IFRA Expo in Hambourg

"This year’s show highlight at IFRA Expo 2010 will be Mirado: OneVision’s ePaper solution enables publishers to create the electronic version of their publication entirely in-house. Multiple use of the print ad space – e.g. for videos, animations and links – combined with personalisation capacity to target individual groups offer new revenue opportunities. With Mirado, producing ePapers has never been easier: The re-purposing of the print file is fully automated. Quick drag & drop functionality to add rich media content makes editing easy and allows a maximum of flexibility in supporting customised cross media campaigns.

Extract of OneVision at IFRA Expo in Hamburg

Manifeste de l'édition française pour les droits numériques ActuaLitté - Les univers du livre

Manifeste de l'édition française pour les droits numériques ActuaLitté - Les univers du livre: "L'acquisition des droits sur une oeuvre de l'esprit ne saurait exclure l'exploitation numérique, sous peine de voir se développer un marché numérique autonome, régulé par des acteurs extérieurs (agrégateurs de contenus, agents, etc.) susceptibles de mettre en péril l'équilibre de la profession ;"

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

AppsMarathon : extracts from my notes...

AppsMarathon website :

Ping Ping
  • solutions for 'everyday small expenses'
  • 'in App' payment for Android
  • iPad payment via SMS (take your iPhone to pay on your iPad :-))
  • Le Soir, Public Bikes (Villo), GPS Parking Guide
Financial App @wavestock
  • Was a very good example of a business app by someone who knows the business and not the technology (in the first place). I voted for him even if Finance is not my favorite Industry.
  • I liked the idea of pro-actively proposing information rather than requiring users to enter and search for stocks. And afterward flagging for watch lists... I found there is added value for the end user here that goes beyond the app. The app is not an app, it's a service and not a self service. Food for thought.
Store Gun
  • A part from the fact that barcodes can help you calculate where to buy cheaper, what I retained is that AndroPan allows to share Panoramic pictures. (Sometimes you retain the side talk)
  • The success of the CRM is kiss:  Instead of flying between screens (email/calendar/...), sales have access to all info in a chronological list, giving them more productivity.
  • Looking for partners to build a new mobile version...
  • "Digital signage isn't efficient enough": you need to add interactivity to it. Your shopping assistant on your mobile synchronizes with the digital signage.
LinkID - Your Mobile ID for Life
  • "In General, Apps are insecure and so unusable for businesses"
  • "The approach has 4 steps : 1. Business Case, 2. Detailed Bus. & Tech Analysis, 3. Pilot, 4. Production" --> I like it, cause I work like that also - see eRRA Methodology
Nokia - Rahim Zakhoun
  • "There is a great potential to work with Nokia (because we have the highest mobile market share)"
  • "There are 1mio Nokia phones in Belgium"
Koen Delvaux
  • "A mobile phone is built for sharing things"
  • "A mobile phone now allows impulsive buys"
  • "Create something (apps) valuable, what should your app do ?"
  • Good list on when to use Native Vs HTML5
  • "AppInventor is the Visual Basic for mobile phones" - not sure they will like it at Google
  • "You might not even need an app, so think twice" - use foursquare, Bump, Layar
Movie HD - Tom Nijs
  • "We decided that strong graphics would be our differentiator. We we saw the competition we thought : We can do it better."
Obscura - Friedger Müffke
  • Encryption of private images by OISafe (AES)
Movie Quizz - Litrik De Roy
  • Play a quizz about Movies on your Mobile --> Could be used for tests (schools, driver licence, eLearning...)
iPad Project - Miss Little robot
  • The iPad is than used as a presentation tool for sales on the go
Boye Hartmann - tapptic
  • Commodore 64 emulator on iPhone
  • "When in 6 days you have 1mio downloads, you start to thing you have done the right thing"
  • "Never make 'in app' purchases without telling Apple"
Adobe - Serge Jespers
  • "Different Screens have different sizes and capabilties, it gives headaches..."
  • "Look a the the Open Screen project. Everybody is there except a small company..."
  • Cool BBC videos on Android Demo
STIB/MIVB Mobile App @emich and @gregone
  • "Finally we'd better make a Mobile Web app than an Android app, so everybody can have access to it" (3000 downloads on Android Market)
  • Google Transit to be integrated
David Robertson - Best Biking Roads
  • "Find new cool places to ride with your bike"
  • Again someone who puts passion first, technology second. As it should be...
In The Pocket - @pieterjan, @itpocket
  • Their Samsonite application won the contest. If it looks cool (great app realization, movie and everything), I was not totally convinced by the concept.
Alain Gashard - EDA
  • I like the way they call their apps for 1212 and 1313 : Woo da Fook (reverse directory) and Formular 1 for automatic forms completion on mobiles
Tom Schuyter -

  • Connect the citizens with the city via an app and a website. Use your phone to send pics of problems you see in your city. Good idea : useful and smart.
Adobe Air on Mobile - Serge Jespers
  • We can play with the Mobile using adobe flash... of course. Games is the n°1 cultural product nowadays...

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

L'UGent dévoile des ouvrages numérisés via Europeana -

L'UGent dévoile des ouvrages numérisés via Europeana - "'Numériser un livre, c’est une chose, le retrouver en est une autre. Europeana permet d’effectuer des recherches au moyen de fonctions très étendues sur le descriptif d’un ouvrage dans une banque de données commune. Les livres numériques peuvent chaque fois être retrouvés auprès des institutions mêmes.'

Monday, September 27, 2010

YouTube - Nous avons testé le "DUNE" la tablette tactile belge

In the following video, one can clearly see that Windows 7 on the Dune is very cool for hand-writing...

YouTube - Nous avons testé le "DUNE" la tablette tactile belge: "

A while ago, I blogged on that : What If Microsoft would offer the best tablet ?

Apple and Google, Watch out !

Apps Marathon

Apps Marathon - AppePaper - App(s) and ePaper: "Tonight there is the first Apps Marathon :

This will be a very good opportunity to see the status of the apps development market in Belgium !

Sunday, September 26, 2010

New home page for

I changed the homepage of in order to clarify what I want to do next years.  Give your feedback here if you have...

I BUY IPAD No1 ! Scenes from China - The Big Picture -

Scenes from China - The Big Picture - "Han Ziwen celebrates his purchase of the first Apple iPad tablet computer in China at the Apple store in Beijing on September 17, 2010 as Apple began selling iPads in China. (ChinaFotoPress/Getty Images) #

Friday, September 24, 2010

'Uitgevers misbruiken en ondergraven auteursrecht' -

'Uitgevers misbruiken en ondergraven auteursrecht': "Volgens Visser is 'het auteursrecht bedoeld om de auteur zeggenschap te geven over de verspreiding van zijn werk, hem in staat te stellen voor het gebruik ervan een vergoeding te bedingen én om de verspreiding van zijn werk aan te moedigen. Het is níet bedoeld om een nieuwe verspreidingsvorm zoals digitale boeken te boycotten en oude exploitatiemodellen te beschermen tegen nieuwe.'

Bien dit ça !!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Buy the Museum catalog as an eBook

Today, proposes me to buy the electronic version of the Monet's exposition in Paris Livre Monet , Collectif.

I find it an excellent idea.

Question : Note the eBook price is 37€, while the paper version costs 50€. So you save 13€. For me the question is, for a difference of 13€, do you prefer to get the eBook or the paper ?

Vendre son ebook : quel modèle économique pour un auteur ? ActuaLitté - Les univers du livre

ActuaLitté nous présente ici plusieurs modèles de prix pour les livres : Prix croissants, décroissants et prix libre.

Vendre son ebook : quel modèle économique pour un auteur ? ActuaLitté - Les univers du livre: "Reste alors le prix dit croissant, ou modèle Ryanair. « Au début le livre est gratuit. Plus les lecteurs en demandent, plus le prix monte, jusqu’à finir par atteindre son prix public. Les lecteurs fidèles et les propulseurs vigilants bénéficient du livre gratuitement, puis les premières fans paient modérément et les late adopters paient le prix fort. »

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The truth about iPad: It's only good for two things | ZDNet

The truth about iPad: It's only good for two things | ZDNet: "To my close friends and colleagues, I’ve been more candid. I’ve often said, “The iPad is only good for two things: Reading and Scrabble.”

Sunday, September 19, 2010

iWebKit Example : Web site with web radios and RSS on iPhone/iPod (and Android)

iWebKit allows to make mini-websites which display well on an iPhone/iPod but also on Android.

I created a page where I have access to the radios I use to listen.

Tapping on the icon will launch the webradio.

On Android, it launches A Online radio to play the stream.

If you tap on News, you'll get my RSS feed displayed.

Of course, for Android's fans I should change the Safari Icon to a more "politically correct" icon.

If you like the site you can have a quick access to it. In Safari, click on the + sign at the bottom than "Add to home screen". You'll than have an icon on your home screen for quick access.

Posted by Picasa

Friday, September 17, 2010

Next Issue Predicts $3 Billion Worth Of E-Paper Subs By 2014 | paidContent

Next Issue Predicts $3 Billion Worth Of E-Paper Subs By 2014 | paidContent: "The study, conducted by management consultancy Oliver Wyman, attempted to get a sense of what the expected demand across nearly 230 digital mag and newspaper titles would be over the next few years.

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YouTube - myFry - an application for Mr Stephen Fry

An innovative ways to make eBooks...

YouTube - myFry - an application for Mr Stephen Fry:

Thursday, September 16, 2010

New eLinea Video

There is a new Video on the eLinea BE-FR website. See it here : Vidéo - eLinea

I hope there will come a Youtbube version soon so one can pause or stop it adequately...

Extract from "iPad Apps Make E-Reading Easier" -

iPad Apps Make E-Reading Easier - "iBooks has some big downsides. The most important is that, being only five months old, it has a smaller catalog than its rivals—just 130,000 titles, versus around 700,000 for the Kindle app and about one million for the Nook app.

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New eBook page : The eReading Contents Lifecycle

I have added a page to my eBook this morning. These are the processes that enable eReading.

See it here

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Services -

"Do I need a Digital Kiosk ? Or is it better to convert everything to ePub ? Or send it all to Google ? Or maybe an iPhone/iPad app ? What about Amazon than ? Or send my Word Documents to India ? Where to sell my content ? How to leverage Facebook for boosting my eBook sales ?


Let's apply some methodology to sort all those objectives and draw an architecture that will optimize your cost and revenue for your Digital Content.

Read more over here : Services -

Zinio débarque: le presse belge va se numériser « Le Blog d'EDIPRO

Zinio débarque: le presse belge va se numériser « Le Blog d'EDIPRO:

Mon commentaire:

"Hé oui, le marché de la lecture électronique évolue rapidement. Quand un milliardaire Américain investit dans une plateforme comme Zinio, elle arrive vite et fort. Je me demande ce que Jan Dheedene en pense (cfr puisqu’il développe un kiosque digital en Belgique.

Il y aura plusieurs « Zinios » dans les prochaines années. Les éditeurs de magazines doivent s’assurer que des acteurs comme Zinio ne sont qu’un élément de la publication dans une stratégie globale de Media Asset Management. Je prone plutôt la diffusion « multi-channel » afin de ne pas mettre tous les oeufs dans le même panier et garder une certaine indépendance…

- Sent using Google Toolbar"

It's a Kindle...

Found here :

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Friday, September 10, 2010

eBook writing and publishing

Today I'm trying something and I'm not sure it's a good idea (yet).

I have decided to write my eBook with Google Sites rather than with OpenOffice. Why ? So I can switch computer and share my draft with friends. The idea is to work in two phases : work on the content until I'm happy and than have a formatting only issue.

Is it a good idea ? Not sure yet...

The Pros :
  • I can share it
  • I can publish it in one click and people online can read it
  • People who have access can comment
The cons :
  •  I'll have to copy it all back from Google Sites to OpenOffice... and/or something else to create a PDF or an ePub or a file for Amazon DTP... And it's a LOT of work...

Monday, September 6, 2010

Don't touch my iPad, it's my private life

This morning I read a good article about the pro and cons of the iPad (see What I love - and what I hate - about iPad | BetaTales

One of the good thoughts of this article is that an iPad is a personal device. Once an iPad is configured (email, twitter, facebook...), you don't want to give it to someone else as he would immediately have access to your 'secrets'.

This stresses once again the lack of security features on such devices.  In the future tablets will come with a multi-user login screen as on PCs. This will also make a process easier : the "rooting" or "jail-breaking" of your device. Logging in as 'root' will make it easier to configure the tablet. Having a real super-user access to a device that you own will become a real plus, especially for "enterprise" configurations for which apps aren't to be found in the App Store...

Note that Google, with Chrome OS has got it right. After you have signed out of your Google account, you could give the device to someone else who would just have to sign-in to have access to HIS information.

Friday, August 27, 2010

What to do with a Chinese iPad ?

If you buy a Chinese iPad 135$, for sure you will not have the same quality as a 500$ iPad.

The battery, the touch interface, the screen size , the speed are not as good as an iPad.

However here are the things I found working very well:
  • Reading eBooks : with the Amazon Kindle or Aldico apps, reading ePub is very nice. I have succesfully imported the ePub version of Zelf eBooks Uitgeven van Wiebe De Jager.
  • Dedicated Android News Apps like FoxNews, Europort,, Lesoir (developped by AppSolution)
  • Social apps like Twitter, Facebook
  • Email and Calendar (Gmail on Android)
On my Chinese iPad, (Eken M003) the following are  OK - look promissing - but could be better (mainly due to the pushy touch interface):
  • Google Maps
  • Videos : Youtube works only in Low res on my setup
  • Viewing Photos is a bit slow when the image is not at the right resolution
  • Taking notes : if you get used to the touch screen it becomes possible, but it's not as smooth as on a real iPad
Conclusion : your satisfaction with an Chinese iPad will heavilly depend on the applications you use.

A proper configuration and guidelines on what to do/ not to do will make you happy.

And if you want more on Android, wait a bit to buy a better tablet like the Dune. But this is more expensive, more like an iPad...

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

eReading Reference Architecture : Reviewers Wanted

That's it. I have finalized a first draft version of my eBook : the eReading Reference Architecture.

I'm now looking for reviewers !!

To download the draft eBook, visit

Chinese iPad (Eken M003) : New Firmware and Android Market Problem Resolution

If you have bought a "Chinese iPad" (Eken M003) like me you might be disappointed when using it for the first time : Google is in Chinese, Android Market is not installed...

The good news is that you can change thisbu following this procedure:

1. Get the AndoidID from your device or from an emulator (requires to install and use the Android SDK). A procedure is described here:

and/or here

2. Install the Firmware

3. Put the AndroidID from step 1 back to your droid. (This is necessary otherwise all devices using the firmware have the same AndroidID, making it impossible to use the Android Market).

(Same link as point number 1)

Many THANKS to

If want me to do the procedure for you on your Eken, contact me :
I will also install some cool stuff for you so we have the same configuration.

Friday, August 6, 2010

France24 : first documentary on the iPad

The iPad promisses to allow the press to sell content again. news flashes don't belong to this gategory, rather in-depth articles or dossiers would have more value on the iPad.

Today France24 advertise to be the first to publish a iPad documentary.

See France 24 launches world's first iPad documentary 

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Google tackles App Creation with App Inventor, much easier than iPad development ?

Recently I have spent some time programming for the iPod/iPad/IPhone.  I found iPhone Development rather technical: You need to be used to Objective C notations and learn the iPhone SDK objects libraries. Finally I have been looking at faster and easier ways to create iPad applications like Appcelerator's Titanium.

Google is now trying to tackle this problem with App Inventor (read the news on here). I find this an excellent strategy. There is no reason why building applications for Mobile Phones should be a difficult task.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Improvement imperatives for iRex - some ideas

iRex is currently facing financial problems. I'm the owner of an iRex Digital Reader (DR1000) and I really hope iRex is going to survive those difficulties.

The DR1000S isn't as flashy as the iPad of course, but it is an excellent (but not perfect) reading device. You can't  completely compare ePaper with flat screen technology, it wouldn't be fair.

Irex claims they missed a sales window in the US, nevertheless I believe iRex has some deeper issues to look at. If they continue I believe the following topics should be addressed:
  • Pricing. ePaper is quiet expensive on the iRex. Facing the iPad at around 500€, iRex can't keep its prices so high. The cost structure of their eReaders needs to be carefully analyzed because some costs have to be cut down. It's a matter of survival on the market. It could mean for iRex to diversify the product portfolio to find some volume cash cows, why not with a good tablet....

  • Solution Thinking : Rather than just selling a just product, iRex should rather push complete solutions where the eReader is a piece of the value chain. Business Solutions need to be further developed. Those Business Solutions should be independant of the eReader and allow to push eReading on other devices like the iPad.

  • End User support : If you walk around the iRex Forum, you'll read many people have questions and remarks. They are not always addressed in a good way. Customers have paid a high price for their eReaders and they feel abandoned.

  • Firmware : iRex has to face it, their Linux based firmware is rich in functionality but is too slow.  One would need to take the risk to start it again from scratch or in collaboration with some other vendor (HP Palm OS, Android...). My usage of Xournal or FBReader on my iRex shows me some applications can behave reasonably fast. The challenge is to separate the processing of information from the display. It's not easy but it needs to be tackled.
I wish iRex the best and I hope they can face those difficult times.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Links of the Weekend - June 7th 2010

  • appSolution  is a Belgian company who writes applications for the iPhone and the iPad.

You can get those links live via Twitter or once a day via eMail:

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

NewsPapers on a eReader - 3 links

Today I was working on reading the newspaper on eReaders . Here are some interesting links
Posted: 02 Jun 2010 03:13 AM PDT
The Metro newspaper in PDF version
Posted: 02 Jun 2010 03:07 AM PDT
L'offre ePaper Les
Posted: 02 Jun 2010 03:02 AM PDT
Old news but I want it in my delicious : newspaperDirect on iRex DR1000S

You can get those links "live" by following @appepaper on Twitter.

iPad in the Entreprise : 2 links

Yesterday (May 31st 2010) I was thinking about some use cases of the iPad in the Entreprise. Here are the links I've bookmarked.
Posted: 31 May 2010 01:50 PM PDT
Five essential iPad apps for enterprise IT (feat. OmniGraffle)
Posted: 31 May 2010 01:47 PM PDT
A study of Sybase shows tablets would be used for... working !

Monday, May 31, 2010

Links for Mon May 31st 2010

You can also get those links via Twitter : follow @appepaper.

Asus Eee Tablet - Un bloc note à écran tactile de 2450 dpi
Posted: 31 May 2010 06:29 AM PDT
Posted: 31 May 2010 06:28 AM PDT
Asus officialise ses tablettes tactiles
Posted: 31 May 2010 05:35 AM PDT
The iPad clone : the iPed
Posted: 31 May 2010 02:56 AM PDT
BNP Paribas propose une application "Mes Comptes" sur l'iPad
Posted: 31 May 2010 01:17 AM PDT
E-book Sales Statistics from BISG Survey
Posted: 31 May 2010 12:55 AM PDT
Aptara : eBook Services, Document Conversion, eBook Creation, Digital Publishing, & More
Posted: 31 May 2010 12:43 AM PDT
The digital debate in Muppet Show style
Posted: 30 May 2010 09:05 AM PDT
Woaw that's cool. Develop once and deploy on iPhone and Android !

E-Book sales are now 5% according to BISG

E-book sales grew exponentially in the first quarter of 2010, jumping
from just 1.5% of total US book sales in 2009 to 5% of the market in the
first quarter of 2010, said Kelly Gallagher, vice president of
publishing services at R.R. Bowker, who presented the findings of Book
Industry Study Group (BISG) research Wednesday during BookExpo America.


Sunday, May 30, 2010

Links Selection for Sat May 29th & Sun May 30th 2010

iPad Docs
Posted: 30 May 2010 03:59 AM PDT

An example of what iPad Documentation Should Look Like...
an offline Wikipedia reader for the iPhone/iPod Touch | Patrick Collison
Posted: 30 May 2010 03:29 AM PDT

An offline Wikipedia reader for the iPad/iPhone/iPod Touch
Bento For iPad | FileMaker
Posted: 30 May 2010 03:21 AM PDT
Bento for iPad allows to organize all kind of information.
Posted: 30 May 2010 02:40 AM PDT
Un kindle plus fin, écran plus réactif, prévu pour août - ActuaLitté
Posted: 29 May 2010 02:24 AM PDT
Another example of failure of eReading...
Posted: 29 May 2010 02:22 AM PDT
jetBook is the only eBook Reader in the world to support ePub, Mobi, PRC, RTF, .txt, .pdf, .fb2, .jpg, .gif, .png, and .bmp
Posted: 29 May 2010 02:13 AM PDT
Which one is the true tablet? Apple iPad, JooJoo, Dell Streak, or HP Slate?
Posted: 29 May 2010 02:11 AM PDT
Le Groupe Eyrolles est présent dès aujourd’hui sur la librairie d’Apple.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Catch of the day - May 27-28 2010

Posted: 28 May 2010 02:04 AM PDT
Compare eReaders and find which one is for you
Posted: 28 May 2010 02:01 AM PDT
HP Taiwan confirms plans for webOS-based mobile
Posted: 28 May 2010 01:57 AM PDT
ePub will be enhanced with rich media and interactivity (teleread via
Posted: 28 May 2010 01:47 AM PDT
How can Entreprises choose the right eReading technology : iPad, IRex, Kindle or something else ?
Posted: 28 May 2010 01:00 AM PDT
A video with the future OLPC Tablet.
Posted: 28 May 2010 12:56 AM PDT
OLPC partners with Marvell for their new XO tablet | GottaBeMobile

Posted: 28 May 2010 12:47 AM PDT
Put your ipad where you want with Velcro...Fun
Posted: 28 May 2010 12:30 AM PDT
Some think ePaper will die in 2010
Amtek is bringing a brigade of iTablet tablet PCsto Computex |

Brother ePaper Document Viewer SV-100B
Posted: 27 May 2010 06:59 AM PDT
Can't find the Englihs page or the Brother ePaper
Document Viewer SV100-B..

MVC on the  iPhone: The Model | BIT-101 Blog
Posted: 27 May 2010 06:46 AM PDT
MVC on the iPhone : I love ctrl-dragging...